Friday, November 8, 2013

It's All About Age

"One Hundred and Nine Years Old"

What a great ice breaker, no? 

That's the line I drop whenever anyone asks me how old I am.

When I was in my teens, I looked 30, when I was in my 30's I looked like I was in my twenties. Now as I hover around the 1/2 century mark, I am still acting like a 20 something and having recently shaved my head, have become sort of ageless. 

I feel ageless, and some people I have worked with for years don't know my real age. Put an age next to something and it immediately becomes categorized, labeled and pigeon-holed.
Well, that ain't me.

I am childish…no wait, I’m child-like.

I love having fun with everything I can. 
I sing in the kitchen.
I run with scissors. 

I fear heights, so I jumped out of plane and learned to pilot a glider, 

I can’t get enough of speed, so I ride my motorcycles really fast on the highway and split lanes when I can; 

I couldn’t hammer a nail straight, so I took a job as a carpenter. 

I was frightfully shy, so I learned to be a bartender. 

If I put down I was 21, there’s an ‘image’ that is created....well, that ain't me.
If I put down I was 31, there’s an ‘image’ that is created...well, that ain’t me.
If I put down I was 61, …well you get the point.
Me is me.
I work hard at being true to me, (it ain’t easy in this world.)
Age is just a measuring stick used by others.
I felt that when I was 11, when I was 21, when I was….well, you get the point. 

I think about our parent’s generation….not that we would ever really know what they were like when they were the age we are now…

I just can’t picture my Dad (who I totally love and respect) living as hard as I do now…..

I ride with a Brother who is 64. 
Shit, you should see this guy. 
He will out play a lot of 22 year old kids I know. 

That’s ageless. 

That’s what I want to be when I grow up.

It’s just that I am not going to grow up…..ever.
How old do you want to be when you die?
I want to be just the right age.

Read more: 
One Light Coming: A Biker's Story (Book 3 in a series published by Blockhead City Press released in October 2011)
The Moon Upstairs: A Bikers Story (Book 4 in a series published by Blockhead City Press; released in December 2012
Available through bookstores everywhere, and and B&

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